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ISIS Threatens to Attack Washington in New Video

来源:ABCNews 作者: 时间:2015-11-17 Tag: 点击:


ISIS delivered a new threat to the United States in a video released today, claiming that it will carry out an attack on the nation's capital.

The terror group, which quickly claimed credit for the deadly Paris attacks last Friday, said that the carnage in France was just the beginning.

CIA Director John Brennan said the attacks in Paris should serve as a wake-up call for Americans.

“It's not just Europe. I think we here in the United States need to be obviously quite vigilant,” Brennan said during remarks at the Center for Strategic & International Studies Global Security Forum.

“Their agenda is to kill. Pure and simple,” added Brennan.

Security is ramping up across the country. There is a heavy police presence in Times Square, and U.S. Capitol Police sent a security awareness reminder to congressional offices today. U.S. Park Police have also increased patrols to protect “treasured icons.”

"In light of the recent attacks, the United States Park Police remain ever vigilant,” said Park Police Chief Robert MacLean. “We stand prepared to protect the national icons entrusted to us and the visitors to them."

U.S. officials are also worried that the attackers in Paris may have used encryption technology to hide their computer and cellphone communications. Belgian officials suspect that the killers also used gaming systems like Sony PlayStation to communicate off the grid.

Even though there is no specific, credible ISIS threat to the homeland, the FBI is intensifying surveillance of suspected ISIS sympathizers. More than 70 alleged supporters of ISIS were arrested in the last two years, some with deadly intentions.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and other officials are urging citizens to report any suspicious activity to the police.

“It's not trite to say that if "you see something, say something," cause it's very important that officials have information just as soon as it's available,” Bowser said outside the French Embassy today.

“We already take the posture of being hyper-vigilant and we take any and every threat seriously,” she added.

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