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First Impressions DO Count

来源:FOXNews 作者:Mary Crane 时间:2009-06-18 Tag:job   interview   career   etiquette     点击:
Preparing for a job interview can be just as nerve-racking(伤脑筋的)  as the interview itself. You run through all the possible scenarios(情景) (good and bad) through your mind and you start to panic(惊慌, 害怕). What if you draw a blank(一无所获) when it comes to small talk(寒暄,闲聊)? What if you forget your résumé? If you don't get the job, do you still write a thank you note?


Q: How should you greet your prospective(未来的,有希望的) employer? (i.e., handshake, certain greeting or opening statement)

A: Greet any prospective employer by immediately standing as they approach and extending your right hand for a nice, firm handshake. Smile. Make eye contact. (By the way, eye contact is HUGE. Prospective employers notice candidates who don't look them straight in the eye.) After the prospective employer introduces himself or herself, for example, "Hi, I'm Mary Crane. Welcome to our offices." Reply by stating your name and then adding, "Thank you for making time to meet with me today."

Q: What type of behavior should you avoid / must do?

A: Let's start with what you should do. As soon as your interview begins, everything about you—your language, your facial expressions, and your body language—should communicate an absolute interest in the position, company and industry. Make sure you bring to the interview a handful of questions that demonstrate your interest and knowledge. Use facial expressions and other non-verbal cues (head nods, inquisitive(好问的;好奇的) glances) that communicate you understand the interests and concerns of your prospective employer. Employ extremely good posture. Sit up straight. (Special hint: To avoid slouching(懒散), sit on the front half of any seat you are offered.)

What do you absolutely avoid? Bad-mouthing(苛刻批评;说无礼话) anyone or anything. No employer wishes to hire a candidate who is critical of a prior employer or a previous job. Even if you hated everything about your most recent employment experience, find something positive to say about it.

Q: How do you present your résumé?

A: When going to an interview, I recommend that gentlemen and ladies carry a nice portfolio(公事包). In that portfolio, make sure you have a fresh pad of paper and a pen that writes. Throughout the interview, take notes. Again, this helps communicate that you are interested in the details of a particular position. Also, carry a copy of your résumé, printed on quality white or off-white(略带灰色或黄色的白色) paper. Although most interviewers will already have a copy of your résumé on hand, the fact that you have brought a "just in case" back-up helps demonstrate your preparedness(有准备).

Ladies, you may also wish to carry a handbag in which you may store car keys and other paraphernalia(随身用具).

Everyone, before the interview begins, make sure you turn off your cell phone and BlackBerry.

By the way, if you have listed your cell phone on your résumé, make sure your voicemail greeting is office appropriate.

Q: Thank you note — do you thank them even if you don't receive the job?

A: Yes, yes, and yes. In fact, think about it a minute: How can it possibly hurt to thank a prospective employer for taking time in their otherwise busy day to meet with you. Following the interview, make sure you send a thank you note. I prefer handwritten notes over e-mail. If the employer has communicated the intent to make a decision within 48 hours, however, send the thank you electronically. Then, if you are offered a job, follow-up with a note that communicates, "I look forward to joining you and your team in the upcoming weeks." If you receive a rejection notice, don't burn the bridge that you've created. Write to that prospective employer and state, "While I regret I will not be joining you and your team now, I hope you will keep my name in mind should another position open in the near future."

Q: Do you make small talk? (i.e., comment on objects on their desk)

A: Your question demonstrates that you understand the importance of connecting with a prospective employer during what may be a very short 30-minute interview. Long before the scheduled interview, I would prefer that you research the prospective employer, identify some commonalities(共性) (you know, six degrees of separation(六度分隔理论)), and come to the interview prepared to connect. Long ago, during one of my law school interviews, for example, I connected with a prospective employer by noting that the interviewer and I had attended the same high school, undergraduate school and law school.

Minus that foreknowledge(预知), use anything in the interviewer's office — photos, memorabilia(值得纪念的事物, 纪念品), artwork — to establish a connection. For example, if you happen to notice photos of the family sail boating in what appears to be a New England setting, you might try, "Is that a picture of you sail boating? I just sailed the Chesapeake Bay for the first time last summer."

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