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guest(71.7.2.*) 发表于:08-11-13 13:11:45 [1887] [1815]
I am a college senior. I find it extremely frustrating to say that college kids are not stressed out. I work two jobs in order to pay for my rent, food, ect. I pay for my own schooling even though I did receive grants and aid because my grades are good. I am stressed out, but I know it comes with the territory. I enjoy working full time in the summer and yes it is a 'real' job. I often work more than 40 hour work weeks during my breaks and in the summer. So you may be bitter about your '60 hour work weeks, 2 weeks vacation...maybe, insane bosses, oh and get used to not having any money and changing jobs every 3-5 years.' But the reason I am going to college is so I can get a job I enjoy. Yes there have been times I have been unprepared, but who hasn't? My grades generally show when I do not prepare. Did this study ask students about their grades or did they have to show them? I find it hard to believe that these students did not prepare at all and
guest(71.7.2.*) 发表于:08-11-13 13:10:19 [1476] [1456]
I'm a college instructor here in the midwest and I must say that I find this very disturbing. I see it everyday with students who don't want to work, show up to class, or make any effort. And I don't have any problem with failing them or giving them the grade they earn.

It's a shame this sort of stuff happens, but I can assure you: there are those of us who are still taking things very seriously.
guest(71.7.2.*) 发表于:08-11-13 13:08:33 [1603] [1752]
If students practiced abstinence from sex and alcohol, I wonder how much more productive they would be? Instead of partying away 4 years of higher education, why not make the most of it and actually learn something???
guest(71.7.2.*) 发表于:08-11-13 13:07:11 [1530] [1506]
ava.anon wrote
Professors are out of their minds if they think I'm spending 7 hours of preparation time for their classes. I'm taking eight classes and I don't have 56 hours to spend preparing for all of those classes. 56 hours is more than two full days by the way. YOUR CLASS IS NOT THE ONLY CLASS I HAVE so do not be surprised when I'm not "prepared" for your ridiculous class.

It's not that I don't want to work or I'm not putting forth the effort, it's a matter of realism. Is it really realistic to ask students to spend 7 hours preparing for your class when they have 7 other classes? How is a student supposed to do that AND get the proper amount of sleep AND get the correct nutrition AND stay healthy enough to go to class AND balance any extra-curriculars AND do anything outside of school relating to their major such as interning or field experience AND retain a job to pay for said schooling AND have any socia
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