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guest(71.7.2.*) 发表于:08-11-13 13:22:39 [5497] [5886]
Logic and Reason
As I walked down the street today in Chicago with my Barack Obama t-shirt on, I was constantly praised by numerous passersby. I also saw black and white people hugging each other as were hispanics and asians, young and old.

This man Obama has truly brought us all together. Divisiveness has, at least for the time being, been put aside in a quest to fix the serious problems that we have confronting us all.
mariazhang@yeah.net(71.7.2.*) 发表于:08-11-13 13:19:21 [5370] [5585]
Maybe it's better if we have some discussion questions.
guest(71.7.2.*) 发表于:08-11-10 10:14:57 [3191] [3104]
We need more information about the new vocabulary.
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