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7 Cold Water Remedies

来源:Reader's Digest 作者: 时间:2011-04-26 Tag:water   remedy   health   点击:


1. Cold Water for Stress Relief
If you’re struggling with procrastination(拖延) or nervous energy, you should head to the bathroom and splash your face with cold water. This technique dampens the body’s fight or flight response. Cold water helps to regulate body temperature, slows the heart rate, and thus reduces anxiety fairly quickly, if not immediately.

2. Cold Water for Shiny Hair
Anyone interested in hair care has probably heard that rinsing(用清水漂洗) with cool water can make hair shinier. This is why hairdryers have “cool shot” buttons... cold water, and air, help seal the hair’s cuticle(表皮,护膜), smoothing and prepping strands(发缕) to better reflect light.

3. Cold Water for Weight Loss
This one’s been debated for a long time, and now has a little bit of science behind it. Dieters(减肥者) willing to give it a try can expect a reward of burning approximately(将近) 70 extra calories a day.

4. Cold Water for Burns
Next time you’re faced with the unfortunate task of applying first aid(急救) for a burn, take this advice: stop the heat immediately by submerging the affected area in cold water. Can’t submerge? Run cold water over the burn. Continue to use cold water for 20 minutes. 

5. Cold Water for Speedy Manicures 
It's the fastest way to dry polish(指甲油) – a dunk in ice-cold water is all it takes to set and harden nail lacquer… fast! This is especially useful if you’re short on time and have no quick-dry polish or finishing spray. Try it: After applying each coat, dunk hands in a bowl of very cold water for 3 minutes.

6. Cold Water for a Hangover
Simply drinking water will help you to combat a hangover(宿醉), but once the damage is done, you won’t want to sit there wondering why you didn’t drink water before hitting the sack(就寝), or why you couldn’t manage to alternate each cocktail(鸡尾酒) with a glass of H2O. So what can you do? One time-tested trick is to hit the shower and alternate temps between hot and cold, but since the cold will probably feel unbearable, try this tip: extend the benefits of cold water by rinsing a washcloth and draping(覆盖) it over your forehead and eyes as you lay down to rest in a dark room. The site claims this also remedies the dryness associated with hangovers.

7. Cold Water for Circulation and Muscle Recovery
Switching between hot and cold water in the shower can improve circulation(循环) since warm water causes blood to rush to the skin’s surface in order to protect organs(器官), while cool water propels(推动) blood toward your organs to keep them heated. Cold water is also the training secret of many professional athletes who are brave enough to submerse their bodies in ice baths, a post-workout strategy that helps muscles recover by decreasing inflammation(炎症) and swelling(肿胀).

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